About Rates
Certified Capital Inc., is dedicated to finding you the lowest possible rates and extended terms to make your dreams come true. When it comes to determining the total cost of ownership for a recreational vehicle, the finance rate is second only to the cost of the vehicle. Then, when it comes to rates, there are many more things to consider.
Finance rates can be affected by the type of vehicle being financed, the bank offering the finance, the region and, of course, your own personal circumstances. Our extensive experience in recreational vehicle financing has honed our "industry insider" knowledge and we are experts at finding the best deal, regardless of the circumstances.
Because there are so many variables along with market fluctuations in rates, we don't attempt to post rates - we just deliver the best rates available to you.
Contact us today to find out more about financing your horse trailer, boat or RV. Our finance team will find the solution that works for you.